The purpose of this quiz is to identify key patterns and challenges.
If you answered Greatly Impacts My Daily Life or Overwhelmingly and exhaustingly impacts my daily life on 5 or more symptoms, we recommend that you seek targeted support!


Dr. Jenna Dunlop offers the following services to support YOU take back control of your life!

Dr. Jenna Dunlop will guide  you to practical solutions that will ease the impacts of your unique menopause symptoms. Her unique STASR method uses Specific Targeted Actions Stacked into Routines to rewire your brain with new ways to cope and build unshakable resilience. 

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A transformative 4-week group coaching program is  designed to help you navigate the Big 4 Challenges of menopause: weight gain, anxiety, depression, and emotional reactivity. You will get practical, science-proven techniques, and a personal comprehensive take-home study guide. 

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